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The history of the world describes the history of humanity as determined by the study of archaeological and written records. Ancient recorded history begins with the invention of writing. However, the roots of civilization reach back to the earliest introduction of primitive technology and culture.

Basketball | Stories Preschool

Basketball Zone Offense Plays

Offensive plays are more varied, normally involving planned passes and movement by players without the ball.

  • 2-3 zone breaks
  • 3-2 zone breaks
  • 1-2-2 zone breaks
  • 1-3-1 zone breaks
  • 4-out zone offense
  • 5-out zone offense
  • Box and 1 offense
  • Half-court press breakers
Basketball Offensive plays - Stories Preschool




  • Outline
    Basketball - Stories Preschool


    The object of the game is to outscore one's opponents by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket from above while preventing the opponents from doing so on their own. An attempt to score in this way is called a shot. A successful shot is worth two points, or three points if it is taken from beyond the three-point arc 6.75 metres (22 ft 2 in) from the basket in international games and 23 feet 9 inches (7.24 m) in NBA games. A one-point shot can be earned when shooting from the foul line after a foul is made.

    Rules and Regulations

    Gameplay: A jump ball is a method used to begin or resume play in basketball. Two opposing players attempt to gain control of the ball after it is tossed up into the air in between them by an official.

    Positions: During the early years of basketball's evolution, two guards, two forwards, and one center were used.

    Equipment: The only essential equipment in a basketball game is the ball and the court: a flat, rectangular surface with baskets at opposite ends.

    Official: Basketball is regarded as among the most difficult sports to officiate due to the fast speed of play, the complexity of rules that must be followed, the unique case-specific interpretations of rules, and the instantaneous judgement required.

    Violations: The ball must stay within the court; the last team to touch the ball before it travels out of bounds forfeits possession. The ball is out of bounds if it touches a boundary line, or touches any player or object that is out of bounds.

    Fouls: An attempt to unfairly disadvantage an opponent through certain types of physical contact is illegal and is called a personal foul.

    Strategy: The playbook starts as a canvas picture of the basketball court with all its boundaries and lines. On top of that, the playmaker can draw O's for players on offense, and X's for players on defense.



Basketball - Stories Preschool


The object of the game is to outscore one's opponents by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket from above while preventing the opponents from doing so on their own.

The rules of basketball are the rules and regulations that govern the play, officiating, equipment and procedures of basketball. While many of the basic rules are uniform throughout the world, variations do exist.

Rules and Regulations

Techniques and practices


Basketball - Stories Preschool Basketball - Stories Preschool Basketball Rules and Regulations iBook - Stories Preschool Basketball Techniques and Practices iBook - Stories Preschool Basketball Playbook Strategies iBook - Stories Preschool Basketball - Stories Preschool

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia articles "Basketball" and "Basketball playbook", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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