Paintball is a game developed in the 1980s in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with dye-filled, breakable, oil and gelatin paintballs, or pellets, usually shot from a carbon dioxide or compressed air (Nitrogen) powered “paintball marker”. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with organized competition involving major tournaments, professional teams, and players.
Equipment: The paintball equipment used may depend on the game type, for example: woodsball, speedball, or scenario; on how much money one is willing to spend on equipment; and personal preference.
Gameplay: The most basic game rule is that players must attempt to accomplish a goal without being shot and marked with a paintball.
Enforcement: Regulated games are overseen by referees or marshals, who patrol the course to ensure enforcement of the rules and the safety of the players.
Strategy: Player and team strategy varies depending on the size and layout of the field and the total number and experience level of players.
Playing Venues: Paintball is played at both commercial venues, which require paid admission, and private land; both of which may include multiple fields of varying size and layout.
Positions: The idea of player positions in paintball refers to the general mindsets and roles of play assumed by players of the sport.